Continuing Education

Summary of Continuing Education Requirements

 Policy Governing Continuing Education for Court Interpreters

Upcoming Events 

Approved Courses and Activities


Pre-Approved Continuing Education Providers 

Interpreters may attend events sponsored by these providers and receive continuing education credit without requesting prior approval. However, a CEAA# request form is required be submitted prior to the end of the compliance period if the class is not already included in the List of Approved Courses.

Colorado Judicial Department Office of Language Access (OLA) [page required]

National Association of Judicial Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT)

American Translator’s Association (ATA)

Nebraska Association of Translators and Interpreters (NATI)

New Mexico Translators and Interpreters Association (NMTIA)

The University of Arizona- National Center for Interpretation (NCI)

Cross-Cultural Communications


Athena Sky Interpreting

Blue Urpi

American Pie Seminars

The Court Interpreters LLC

National Center for State Courts (NCSC)

Linguist Education Online

 List of Approved Providers


Approval Request Forms

Compliance Form

Ideas for Courses or Independent Study