Adams County Probation

Chief Probation Officer

  • Jenifer Morgen

    Chief Probation Officer
    17th Judicial District
    Adams County
    Broomfield County
    Primary Email
    Primary Phone

Probation Programs in Adams County

Victim Notification Program

The Adams and Broomfield County Victim Service Officers provide assistance to victims when an offender is placed on probation.  Consistent with the Colorado Victim Rights Amendment, victims of crimes are notified of the defendant's sentence to probation and are invited to request notification of significant events during the probation sentence.  The Victim Service Officers provide referrals for victims, as well as general assistance.  If you would like further information regarding the Victim Notification Program contact:

Renee Stewart

Ann VanWagner 

Probation FAQs

We've compiled the answers to many commonly asked questions about probations. Go to Probation FAQs.