Weld County Probation

Chief Probation Officers

  • Jerry Green

    Chief Probation Officer
    19th Judicial District
    Weld County
    Primary Email
    Primary Phone

Probation Programs in Weld County

Presentence Investigations

The court may order a presentence investigation prior to imposing sentence on a criminal offense. The investigation is conducted by a probation officer to gather information regarding risk for re-offense; service needs; criminal, social, education, and substance abuse history; and impact of the offense on victim(s). The information is used to inform sentencing decisions and supervision strategies.


Adult Probation Supervision

This team provides supervision to adults placed on regular probation by the court. Clients are assessed for risk and need and supervised accordingly. The probation officer makes referrals to outside agencies for any needed resources, such as substance abuse evaluation and treatment, employment assistance, etc. The probation officer assists the offender in complying with any special conditions ordered by the court.


Juvenile Supervision

The juvenile team supervises juveniles placed on probation by the court. Probation officers work with juveniles and their family or support system to help them adhere to court requirements. The probation officers work closely with schools, Weld Human Services, and local treatment agencies to achieve positive behavior change in the youth.


Juvenile Intensive Supervision (JISP)

JISP is a sentencing option for selected high-risk juvenile offenders and is designed to deliver intensive case management that includes monitoring of school progress, referral for remedial educational assistance, home visits, electronic monitoring, drug testing, skill building, and treatment services, as required.

Victim Assistance

The Victim Services Officer provides services when an offender is placed on probation. Consistent with the Colorado Victim Rights Amendment, victims of specified crimes are notified of the defendant's sentence to probation and are invited to request notification of significant events during the period of probation. The Victim Services Officer provides referrals for victims, as well as general assistance.


Domestic Violence Supervision

Offenders convicted of domestic violence crimes are screened and assessed to determine the most appropriate level of supervision based on their assessed risk and needs. Supervision attempts to balance the victim and public safety with offender treatment needs. Probation officers supervising domestic violence offenders collaborate with law enforcement, victim services and treatment providers, and the greater community.


Sex Offender Intensive Supervision Program (SOISP)

The Sex Offender Intensive Supervision Probation Program (SOISP) provides the highest level of supervision to adult sex offenders who are placed on probation. In 2001, a statutory change required all felony sex offenders convicted on or after July 1, 2001, to be supervised by the SOISP program.

The State of Colorado has adopted a model of containment in the supervision and management of sex offenders. SOISP Officers work closely with specialized treatment providers and law enforcement to manage supervision of the offender in the community. Depending on the offender, elements of containment may include severely restricted activities, daily contact with a probation officer, curfew checks, home visitation, employment visitation and monitoring, drug and alcohol screening, and/or sex offense specific treatment, including the use of polygraph testing.


Female Offender Program (FOP)

The Female Offender Program (FOP) is designed to deliver intensive gender-based case management, including frequent contact, skill building, regular employment or vocational/educational efforts, drug testing, home visits, electronic monitoring, and participation in treatment, as required.


Adult Mental Health

The Adult Mental Health Caseload is intended to serve offenders whose mental health disorder, rather than their criminogenic needs, significantly disrupts their ability to meet the demands of regular probation.

The objective of this specialized caseload is to provide intensive, treatment-centered probation supervision for high-need and/or high-risk offenders with severe and persistent mental illness. Offenders with a documented Serious Mental Illness who are granted regular probation or a deferred sentence can be referred and internally screened to assess for placement on the Mental Health Caseload.


Probation FAQs

We've compiled the answers to many commonly asked questions about probations. Go to Probation FAQs.