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9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse
Kit Carson County
13th Judicial District
Kit Carson County
Chief Judge Orders and Directives
2024-1 Administrative Order 2024-1 Order Rescinding Bond Schedules and Implementing District-Wide Schedule for Title 42 Matters
2021-17 Administrative Order 2021-17 Second Amended Order & Notice Regarding Electronic Filing in District Court & County Court Cases
2023-2 Administrative Order 23-2 - Order Enjoining Kathleen Marie Bollers-Dolan From Filing Pleadings Pro Se
2023-1 Administrative Order 23-1 - Order Appointing Acting Chief Judge
2022-2 AMENDED AO 22-2 Regarding 13th Judicial District Procedures for Receiving Complaints of Judicial Misconduct for Individuals or Entities Who Are Not Employees, Volunteers, or Contractors of the Colorado Judicial Department
2022-2 Admin Order 2022-2 Order Regarding 13th Judicial District Procedures for Receiving Complaints of Judicial Misconduct for Individuals or Entities Who Are Not Employees, Volunteers, or Contractors of the Colorado Judicial Department
2021-13 Admin Order 2022-1 Order Regarding Defendants Eligible for Individualized Bond Hearing & Setting Within 48 Hours of Arriving at a Detention Facility
2021-12 Admin Order 2021-12 Authorizing Clerks of Court to Modify a Juvenile's Court Record to Reflect Accurate Sex Offender Registration Status
2021-10 Administrative Order 2021-10 Vacating Certain Monetary Amounts Assessed Against a Juvenile in Certain Proceedings
2021-7 Administrative Order Appointing Active Chief Judge 2021-7