This index includes all directives currently in effect, from the directive consolidation on Jan. 1, 1985, through the current date. The index references those directives that were amended, replaced, or repealed.
In the event that a Chief Justice Directive has been amended, replaced or repealed and you would like to view the original directive, contact the State Court Administrator's Office for instructions and fees to obtain them at (720) 625-5000.
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Restriction of Expenditures of Appropriated Funds for FY 91
Probation officer personnel, voluntary transfer of
Providing for the Voluntary Transfer of Probation Officer Personnel & Probation Clerical Personnel
Voluntary transfer, probation clerical personnel
Voluntary transfer, probation officer personnel
Employee of the year award
Employee Recognition and Incentive Program
Honorary service award
Incentive program
Nominating employees for recognition awards
Outstanding employee award
Recognition of employee
Clarified 8/28/87
Appropriations bill, FY88
Confidential positions, reduction of
New positions, allocation of
Reduction of Confidential Positions as Required by the FY88 Appropriations Bill & the Allocation of New Positions
Repealed June, 2012, Replaced by CJD 12-03
Experts in felony cases, court compensation of
Felony cases, court compensation of experts
Witness, experts, court compensation of
Official Business (Conduct of Official judicial business at facilities practicing discrimination)
Official business, facilities practicing discrimination
Midyear conference for judges
Expenditures, restriction of, appropriated funds FY86
Restriction of Expenditures of Appropriated Funds for Fiscal year 1986
Amended 8/19/11
Collection of fines, surcharges, and costs
Costs, collection of
Fines, collection of
Surcharges, collection of
Amended 10/6/05
Order Establishing the Judicial Advisory Council
Amended 12/18/86
Directive Concerning Emergency Weather Conditions
Emergency conditions, closing courts during
Inclement weather, closing court
Repealed Nov 9, 2015
If you are seeking a copy of CJD 85-27 please contact:
Indigency, determination of, for alcohol or drug treatment
Amended Sep 17, 2018
Amended Aug 30, 2018
Oaths of Office for judges and magistrates
Assignment of judges, Denver Probate Court
Denver Probate Court, assignment of Denver District Court judges to
Probate court, Denver, assignment of judges
Amended 1/24/2025
Amended 1/24/2024
Amended 1/13/2023
Judgments, appealed, interest rate
Rate of Interest on Judgments Which are Appealed
Amended Effective July 1, 2023, Attach A removed
Amended Jul 1, 1997: Attach A rev Dec 1, 2000
Jurors, meals for jurors, prohibition of alcohol
Meals for jurors
Meals for Jurors and Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages
REPEALED 6/16/09
Probation supervision fees
Probation Supervision Fees (Amended 7/1/88)
Supervision fees probation
Small claims, transfer to county court
Procedures in C.R.C.P. 120 Proceedings When no Response has been Filed
Rule 120 proceedings
County judges, sitting as referees
Referees, county judges sitting as
Traffic infractions, county judges hearing