Jury Information

  • Kristy Llewellyn

    Jury Commissioner, Local ADA Coordinator
    17th Judicial District
    Broomfield County
    Primary Email
    Primary Phone

County Announcements

No additional county jury information available.

Jury Reporting Schedule

Broomfield Combined Courts

Time: 8:30A.M.
Jurors Needed to Report:

Jurors #6867 through and including #6952 are required to report.

Jurors Excused:


The following jurors are excused:

  • #5945, #5972
  • #6797 through and including #6865.
  • #6953 through and including #6984.
Time: 7:30A.M.
Jurors Needed to Report:

All jurors are required to report.  Jurors #5738, and 6712 through and including #6795.

Jurors Excused:

No jurors are excused.