Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse




Jury Summons Information

Keep getting summoned after you’ve moved? Need to update your address or name?

Jurors are randomly selected and summonsed from driver license records, the Department of Revenue, and voter registration lists by means of a computerized method. To ensure your name and address are correct on your juror summons, you will need to update your personal information with ALL of these agencies.

Qualifying situations to update your information:

If you have moved out of state and have registered to vote with your current state you will need to withdrawal from the Colorado Secretary of State-Voter Registration to avoid further jury summonses in the state of Colorado. Registering to vote and voting in the new state will not withdrawal you from Colorado Voter Registration.

If you have married and/or changed your legal name you will need to update your name with these agencies to avoid duplicate summonses with different names (i.e., Mary Joe Smith to Mary Joe Smith-Lang). Variation of names with these agencies can cause you to receive more than one summons a year because the system does not recognize it is the same person.

Links to the reporting agencies are provided below to update your address and/or name. You will have to update your information with each agency to keep your juror information current.

Colorado Department of Revenue-Division of Motor Vehicles
Department of Review
Department of Revenue
Voter registration
Colorado Secretary of State-Voter Registration