Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Duties and Responsibilities

Human Resources

Duties and Responsibilities

Chief Justice and State Court Administrator

The State Court Administrator has the ultimate responsibility for the overall administration of the EEO/Diversity Plan subject to the direction and approval of the Chief Justice and the Colorado Supreme Court. This includes:

  • Responsibility for integrating equal opportunity into all parts of personnel and program management;
  • Reviewing policies and procedures as they affect diversity;
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant federal and state constitutions, statutes, and regulations;
  • Identifying corrective measures to remedy identified disparities in the workforce;
  • Creating a diverse and culturally sensitive work environment;
  • Designing and implementing an internal system for auditing and reporting the program’s effectiveness;
  • Seeking resources to create an EEO/Diversity Coordinator for the Colorado Judicial Department.

Director of Human Resources

The Director of Human Resources, as directed by the State Court Administrator, has day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of the EEO/Diversity Program. This may include:

  • Developing and monitoring the Department’s written policies;
  • Disseminating the plan internally and externally;
  • Assisting judges, judicial district administrators, chief probation officers, and supervisors by providing mechanisms for the resolution of complaints, identifying and creating related training programs, and assisting with the creation and implementation of diversity initiatives.

Local Administrative Authorities

Chief Judges are responsible for the implementation of an annual local EEO/Diversity Plan. This includes:

  • Communicating the elements of local plans to employees;
  • Local monitoring and supervision to promote equal opportunity for all employees, applicants, and program beneficiaries;
  • Ensuring fair employment decisions;
  • Taking swift and appropriate action(s) to prevent discrimination and/or harassment when it is discovered;
  • Assuring compliance with the Anti-Harassment Policy of the Colorado Judicial Department;
  • Establishing a positive and culturally sensitive work environment through the inclusion of initiatives designed to assist those involved with the Colorado Judicial Department to come to terms with his or her attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about others, and gain comfort with those who are different.

These duties may be delegated to the Judicial District Administrator, Chief Probation Officer, or the Clerks of Court for the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. The State Court Administrator or the Director of Human Resources shall perform these functions for the Office of the State Court Administrator. Plans shall be maintained locally, available to interested parties for review upon request, and updated every two years when new employment statistics are released.

Judges and Supervisors

Judges and supervisors are responsible for:

  • Establishing a positive climate for equal employment;
  • Assuring that all personnel practices and procedures, including training, hiring, and promotion, are applied equally and in compliance with Colorado Judicial System Personnel Rules;
  • Taking swift and appropriate action(s) to prevent discrimination and/or harassment when it is discovered;
  • Judges and supervisors should also promote inclusion and cultural sensitivity in the workplace.