9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Website Link Request

Website Link Request

The State Court Administrator shall administer and enforce the following policy:

Information on Judicial Branch web sites shall be related to the business of the Judicial Branch. Information placed on web sites should facilitate use and understanding of the court system and/or should be a reference point for approved service agencies referred by judicial officers, court staff or probation staff.

Information placed on Judicial Branch web sites is subject to administrative review by the Chief Judge of the district or their designee. Information on the SCA web site is subject to administrative review by the State Court Administrator or his designee.

Requests for review of information on local sites shall be submitted in writing to the Chief Judge who shall respond within ten working days of notification. Should any review not be fully resolved by the Chief Judge, a further request for review shall be submitted in writing to the State Court Administrator who shall respond within ten working days of notification. Should controversy arise regarding information placed on Judicial Branch web sites, it shall be removed until reviewed by the State Court Administrator to assess the applicability and suitability of the information.

Links placed on Judicial Branch web sites shall adhere to the Web Site Link Standards, which are attached to this policy.

Individuals who possess the special skills needed to adequately and efficiently maintain state court web sites shall be designated. The State Court Administrator shall designate applicable individuals for the Branch web site and the Chief Judge in districts with web sites shall designate individuals for local web sites.

Web site material shall be updated and maintained based upon an established schedule for posting web site data. Time-sensitive material shall not be placed on web sites if it cannot be properly maintained.

Security procedures shall be established to prevent unauthorized individuals from tampering with data or copyrighted material, and/or accessing restricted web site areas.

An intra-web site shall be developed for use by court and probation employees as soon as practical. This site shall be accessible to Branch employees only, and shall be used for posting minutes, management reports, news briefs, daily bulletins, and selected interoffice memorandums.

Unlicensed software shall not be used in the maintenance of web site material.

Colorado Judicial Web Site Link Policy
Revised by the Public Access Committee
March 7, 2001

This policy is an attachment to the Web Site Standards. It was created to assist Judicial Branch staff in determining the suitability of a link on a Judicial Branch Web Site. The following criteria must be met before a link is to be placed on a Judicial Branch Web Site. If the link does not meet these criteria it is not to be placed on Judicial Branch Web Sites.

All links are to be related to the business of the Judicial Branch.

Links should facilitate use and understanding of the court system and/or
Links should be a reference point for approved service agencies referred by judicial officers, court staff or probation staff.

Review Process: The review should include confirmation that a web link meets the criteria of the Web Site Standards.
If a category is not listed on one of the above lists, the site shall not be linked to a Judicial Branch Web Page.
Permitted with Minimal Review:

These sites are permitted to be linked on local web pages subject to an administrative review by the Chief Judge or designee:

  • Colorado Executive Web Site
  • Colorado Legislative Web Site
  • United States Executive Web Site
  • United States Congress Web Site
  • United States Courts Web Sites
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Judicial Resource Sites (such as SJI, NCSC, NACM, COSCA, etc.)
  • Other Government Resource Sites (such as law enforcement, public defender, county government, municipal courts, city government, MVD, etc.)
  • Bar Associations
  • Agencies to which litigants are referred by the court system. (Referrals approved by the Chief Judge or by Statute.)
  • Judicial Branch’s agent for electronic filing
  • Judicial Branch’s agent for Public Access
  • Legal Research Sites

Permitted After Review:

This review requires approval from the State Court Administrator.

  • Commercial Legal Research Sites (Include description of what the site is and what they offer and include some type of disclaimer regarding them being available resources and that the judicial branch is not vouching for the reliability of the site.)
  • Commercial sites other than legal research (i.e. Adobe Acrobat)

Link Removal: If a linked site becomes controversial, it shall be removed until reviewed by the State Court Administrator. The State Court Administrator shall resolve issues regarding controversial sites and determine the suitability of linking the site. This review shall be accomplished in writing.

Adopted the 7th day of March, 2001 by the Public Access Committee. Revised April 18, 2001.

Signed and dated this ____________ day of May, 2001.


Justice Alex Martinez
Colorado Supreme Court, Chair, Public Access Committee