Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Livestream and Virtual Courtrooms


To watch the court as an observer; the judge and court will not be able to see or hear you. If you enter this link when you are supposed to be in Court, this will not count as your Court appearance, and this may result in a failure to appear with a warrant for your arrest.


Webex - Virtual Appearance Join Links:


Alamosa Combined Court
District Court Judge Crista Newmyer-Olsen
Division D

Instructions for joining by phone

Meeting Codes: 927 426 348
Phone: To appear by phone, please dial 720-650-7664 and enter the meeting number/access code for the assigned judicial officer.
Alamosa Combined Court
Judge 12th Judicial District Visiting Judges

Instructions for joining by phone

Meeting Codes: 2598 463 5011
Phone: To appear by phone, please dial 720-650-7664 and enter the meeting number/access code for the assigned judicial officer.
Alamosa Combined Court
District Court Chief Judge Amanda C. Hopkins

Instructions for joining by phone

Meeting Codes: 927 191 190
Phone: To appear by phone, please dial 720-650-7664 and enter the meeting number/access code for the assigned judicial officer.
Alamosa Combined Court
District Court Judge Michael A. Gonzales

Instructions for joining by phone

Meeting Codes: 922 772 189
Phone: To appear by phone, please dial 720-650-7664 and enter the meeting number/access code for the assigned judicial officer.
Alamosa Combined Court
District Court Judge Kim Cortez-Rodriguez

Instructions for joining by phone

Meeting Codes: 927 174 122
Phone: To appear by phone, please dial 720-650-7664 and enter the meeting number/access code for the assigned judicial officer.
Alamosa Combined Court
County Court Judge Tamara Sullivan

Instructions for joining by phone

Meeting Codes: 920 424857
Phone: To appear by phone, please dial 720-650-7664 and enter the meeting number/access code for the assigned judicial officer.
Alamosa Combined Court
County Court Judge Jason T. Kelly

Instructions for joining by phone

Meeting Codes: 2598 753 7910
Phone: To appear by phone, please dial 720-650-7664 and enter the meeting number/access code for the assigned judicial officer.
Alamosa Combined Court
County Court Judge Daniel Walzl

Instructions for joining by phone

Meeting Codes: 928 477 344
Phone: To appear by phone, please dial 720-650-7664 and enter the meeting number/access code for the assigned judicial officer.
Alamosa Combined Court
Water Referee Nicolas Sarmiento

Instructions for joining by phone

Meeting Codes: 920 575 942
Phone: To appear by phone, please dial 720-650-7664 and enter the meeting number/access code for the assigned judicial officer.