9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Custer County Combined Courts closed on 9/26/2024

Chief Justice Directives

Chief Justice Directives

98-01 Costs for Indigent Persons in Civil Matters

Amended effective April 2024
Attachment A Amended April 2023
Attachment A Amended March 2022
Amended March 2021
Attachment A Amended Feb 2021 Attachment A Amended Feb 2020
Attachment A Amended March 2019
Attachment A Amended Feb 2018
Attachment A Amended Mar 2017
Attachment A Amended Jan 2016
Attachment A Amended Jan 2015
Attachment A Amended Mar 2014
Attachment A Amended Mar 2013
Attachment A Amended Mar 2012
Amended Aug 2011
Amended Mar 2011
Amended Mar 2008 & Attachment A

Civil matters, costs for indigent persons in

Costs that May be Waived for Indigent Petitioners


Indigency court costs

Indigency waiver

Waived Fees for Indigent Petitioners


95-01 Authority and Responsibility of Chief Judges

Amended Sept 2020
Amended Aug 24, 2016
Amended Aug 17, 2012
Amended Aug 24, 2005
Replaced CJD 85-01 on Feb 17, 1995

Administrative responsibility of chief judges

Appointment of an acting chief judge

Assignment of judges by a chief judge

Assignment of judges outside a home district

Authority and Responsibility of Chief Judges

Budget and fiscal, responsibilities of chief judges

Calendaring procedures, establishment by chief judges

Case assignment by chief judges

Chief judges, authority and responsibility

Combined courts

Court rules, local

Delegation of authority by a chief judge to a chief probation officer

Delegation of authority by a chief judge to a district administrator

Delegation of authority, chief judge

Disputes pertaining to the authority of chief judges

Facilities and equipment, responsibilities of chief judges

Judicial assistance from outside a district, request for

Leave and vacations for judges

Leave for court employees

Local court rules, approval of supreme court

Office hours for judges

Part-time county judges' schedules, posting in public

Personnel, responsibilities of chief judges

Reassignment of employees, authority of chief judges

Responsibilities of chief judges

Uniform calendaring procedures