Annette Kundelius

Annette Kundelius

Annette Kundelius

Primary Phone
970 475-2470
Weld County


Magistrate Annette Kundelius was appointed to her position in January 2019.  Prior to joining the bench, Magistrate Kundelius served as a Deputy Public Defender at the Colorado Public Defender's Office for nearly 14 years in the Greeley Regional Office.

Magistrate Kundelius is a graduate of Forest Grove High School, University of Oregon (B.A. Psychology - Sociology) and the University of Arizona (Juris Doctor). She continues to be active in the local community by serving on a variety of boards and in volunteer positions.

Magistrate Annette Kundelius currently is assigned to Division C and oversees county court civil matters, small claims, county ordinance violations, traffic infractions, and DUI Treatment Court.

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