For general system questions, questions regarding Flat Fee MH or Truancy invoices, or general billing questions, please contact
For questions regarding hourly invoices and issues with a specific appointment, please contact the CAC Approver in the district where the appointment order was granted.
For problems logging in to the CAC system or password issues, please contact ITS Support at (720)625-5500 or email
1. What if the appointment is not showing up in my appointment screen?
Contact the CAC Approver in the location where the appointment was ordered.
2. The invoice will not let me bill from the start of the case.
Verify the appointment start date listed on your appointment. CAC will not let you enter activity prior to that date. If the date is incorrect, contact the CAC Approver in the location where the appointment was ordered.
3. When I enter an invoice item, the amount is showing as $0.
This is a common issue in CFI appointments and happens when the percentage of state pay vs. private pay is not entered correctly on the appointment. Contact the CAC Approver in the location where the appointment was ordered.
4. How do I bill the State for a split state/private pay CFI case?
When a split pay appointment is ordered by a judicial officer, court staff will enter that information into CAC when they create the appointment. This will program CAC to account for that percentage when you then enter and submit an invoice. Since a CFI is appointed to the case and not a specific party, the CFI will need to enter 100% of the time on the activity into the invoice. The system will then automatically modify the billable amount based on the percentages ordered.
For example, if the CFI works one hour on a case where the Court orders a 50% split between state and private pay at an hourly rate of $100, the CFI will bill for the full 1 hour. The system will then automatically apply the 50% split, and the invoice will show a charge of $50.
If you have any issues with the system incorrectly splitting the state paid portion correctly, please contact the CAC Approver in the location where the appointment was ordered.
5. I have billing questions such as: How much have I billed on a case, Why was my payment received not the same as the amount on the invoice, What invoices were included on the check I received, etc…?
You can utilize the Reports section in your Counsel Options screen. There are several reports that may help you navigate many billing questions.
If you are unable to find the answer to your billing questions, please contact
6. How do I change an appointment from hourly to contract?
Please contact
7. I recently changed my address and firm, who do I contact?
You will need fill out an updated W-9 and EFT form (if you receive direct deposit). You can email those forms to If you do not have those forms, the CAC Support team at that email can send them to you
8. How can I find where my invoice is at in the approval process?
Look at one of the following reports – Unsubmitted Invoices Report, Submitted Invoices Report, COFRS Payment Report, or Payment History Report by Case Number.
9. The CAC system is not accepting an invoice item as expected, what should I do?
10. Can I charge each case the full mileage and travel time when working multiple cases during the same trip?
No, travel mileage and travel time needs to be split out amongst the cases.
For example, on one day, you traveled 30 miles to a client conference for case 25MH123, then 15 miles from the conference to another court for a hearing on case 25MH124, and finally 15 more miles to the DA’s office for a meeting on case 25CR123. This totals 60 miles and 1.2 travel hours. You would then bill 20 travel miles and 0.40 travel hours per case for that date.
11. If I am billing for more than one appointee, will my login process be any different?
Yes, you will have an additional screen that asks you to select the appointee that you are billing for at that time. To change the appointee without logging off, select Counsel Selections from the left header.
12. I have a signed Order for Excess Fees, who do I direct that to so my maximum amount can be increased and invoice approved.
You may contact the CAC Approver in the location where your appointment was ordered.
A reminder – you may not bill for the time it takes to draft and file the Motion for Excess Fees.
CJDs 04-04 and 04-05 specifically state that orders should be approved prior to submitting an invoice, and the Motion must included an exact dollar amount you are requesting in excess.