9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse


Reporting Out-of-State Adoption

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

Reporting Out-of-State Adoption Forms

Colorado Judicial Branch has compiled all forms required for Reporting Out-of-State Adoption.

About Reporting Out-of-State Adoption

An out-of-state or foreign adoption is an order from a Colorado court saying that an adoption approved by a court outside of the United States is legal.

For more information about reporting an out-of-state or foreign adoption, consult §19-5-205, C.R.S. (Colorado Revised Statutes) or Colorado law.

Criteria for Reporting Out-of-State Adoption

One of the petitioners must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Colorado.

The child must be either a lawful permanent resident or a naturalized citizen of the United States. You may wish to contact the U.S. Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services for a definition of these terms.

Forms and Paperwork Required

Download and fill out the Reporting Out-of-State Adoption forms using the forms link above. If you are planning to report an out-of-state or foreign adoption for more than one child, you will need a packet for each child.

Paperwork Tips

Tips for completing JDF 527 Petition for Validation of Foreign Adoption:

  • You are the petitioner.
  • If another person adopted the child with you, they are petitioner 2 in Information about the Petitioners.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the form.

Tips for completing JDF 454 Verified Statement of Fees Charged:

  • Follow the prompts to complete the form.
  • You will fill in any fees that you have paid relating to the adoption. If you didn't pay a fee in a particular category, you may fill in the number 0.

Tips for completing JDF 524 Decree Validating Foreign Adoption:

  • Fill out the top portion of the form above the title Decree Validating Foreign Adoption.
  • Do not sign this form.
  • Make 3 copies of this form so you have 4 forms: 1 original and 3 copies.

How to Submit Paperwork to the Court

  1. Decide where (which courthouse) to deliver your paperwork. Your out-of-state or foreign adoption paperwork should be given to the district court in the county where you live. 
  2. Give the court the completed forms and the following documents:
    • Original or certified copy of the child's birth certificate
    • Original or certified copy of a valid foreign adoption decree
    • Notarized translation of the valid foreign adoption decree
    • Photocopy of your driver's license and any other petitioner's driver's license
  3. Pay the filing fee. If you do not think you can afford the filing fee, fill out form JDF 205 Motion to File Without Payment and Supporting Financial Affidavit and JDF 206 Finding and Order Concerning Payment of Fees to request a waiver of the filing fee, or visit our File Without Payment section for complete information.

Reporting Out-of-State Adoption Filing Fees

Adoption Petition$167.00

After Paperwork Is Filed

If you didn't set up a hearing date when you gave your paperwork to the court, you should receive a notice from the court about the date and time of the hearing. You need to come to the court for the hearing.

On Your Court Date

Be on time or early for your court hearing.

Have all of your information and completed paperwork with you.

Turn off your cell phone and respect everyone in the courtroom. Refer to the judge as "Your Honor" or "Judge".

During the Adoption Hearing

The judge may ask you questions about the foreign adoption.

Focus on the facts.

Paperwork Required for the Adoption Hearing

Download and fill out the following form; bring it with you to the hearing:

Tips for completing the Report of Adoption:

  • There are sections on the form for you to complete and sections on the form for your attorney to complete, if you have one. Contact the Department of Public Health and Environment if you have questions about this form.
  • Do not sign the form. The clerk at the court will sign the form after the adoption hearing.
  • Make 2 copies of the form.

After the Adoption Hearing

The judge will sign the original and copies of the Final Decree Validating Foreign Adoption, possibly on the day of the adoption. The court will certify 2 to 3 copies of the Final Decree. You will pay a fee for certifying documents.

The certified documents are for:

  • You
  • The Department of Public Health and Environment so you can request a new birth certificate
  • Your attorney, if you have one

The court will certify the Report of Adoption and send it to the Department of Public Health, Office of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics. You will complete more paperwork and pay a fee with the Office of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics for the birth certificate.