Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Find an ODR Mediator

Find an ODR Mediator

The State of Colorado does not certify, license, or otherwise regulate mediators. ODR mediators must meet certain qualifications. Qualifications include 40 hours of mediation training, background check, experience as a mediator, and substantive knowledge in the subject area in which they are seeking to provide services. The Chief Judge of the district in which the mediator(s) will provide services must also give approval to ensure the mediators are acceptable to, and credible with, the Bench and the Bar.

Please select your judicial district from the below list to access the mediators available in your district. Mediation must be scheduled directly with your selected mediator, the Office of Dispute Resolution does not refer, select, or schedule mediation with parties.

Spanish speaking mediators are available in several locations, click here to see the Spanish-speaking mediatorsTenemos mediadores que hablan español en varios locales. Haga clic aquí para ver la lista de mediadores Spanish-speaking mediators.

Click here to see mediator bios, any mediators with an asterisk* have online scheduling available.