9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

1/20/25 - All courts and probation offices closed for MLK Jr. Day

Parental Responsibility Evaluator - Complaint

  • Current Personal and Case Information
  • Standards
Personal Information

If you believe a PRE has violated the Standards of Practice in Chief Justice Directive 21-02, you may file a PRE formal complaint. You must have a prima facie finding from the Judicial Officer in your case in order to file your complaint. The only complaints that do not require a prima facie finding by the Judicial Officer are complaints regarding the PRE’s failure to make mandatory notification of grievances and the PRE's violation of CJD 21-02 Standard 6: The PRE shall establish and maintain competence through training. The PRE complaint process will not result in changes to court orders. Complaints must be brought within one year after termination of the PRE appointment.


Parties or their counsel of record shall file a complaint only after the court has made prima facie findings on the record that the PRE failed to comply with the court's order of appointment or has violated a practice standard set forth in in CJD 21-02. (Black's Law Dictionary definition of prima facie: ... (18c) Sufficient to establish a fact or raise a presumption unless disproved or rebutted; based on what seems to be true on first examination, even though it may later be proved to be untrue).

Case Information
This is required unless your complaint falls under the specific exception listed in the CJD

A copy of this complaint will be sent to the State Court Administrator's Office. The SCAO will contact you concerning the status and processing of your complaint within 60 days of receiving your complaint.