Bail Blue Ribbon Commission

Next Meeting: Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019, 4:00-5:00 p.m., Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center.

The following materials were shared with the Commission during its Aug. 16, 2018, meeting:

Former Chief Justice Nancy E. Rice appointed the following people to serve on the commission for indeterminate terms:

  • Hon. Carlos A. Samour, Jr., Chair, Justice, Colorado Supreme Court
  • Hon. Mark Thompson, Chief Judge, 5th Judicial District
  • Hon. Pattie P. Swift, Chief Judge, 12th Judicial District
  • Hon. Patrick Murphy, Chief Judge, 17th Judicial District
  • Hon. James Hartmann, Chief Judge, 19th Judicial District
  • Hon. Ingrid Bakke, Chief Judge 20th Judicial District
  • Mr. Glenn Tapia, Director of Probation Services, Colorado Judicial Department
  • Mr. Jeremy Botkins, Reporter, Senior Assistant Legal Counsel, Colorado Judicial Department
  • Mr. Terry Scanlon, Legislative Liaison, Colorado Judicial Department
  • Mr. Brad Kamby, Director of Arapahoe County Pretrial Services