9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

12/18/24: Holiday Closures Announced for Combined Courthouses and Probation Offices


Men talking


Correctional Treatment Board

The Correctional Treatment Board is a seven-member statewide board that was created pursuant to HB12-1310.  This legislation consolidated the statewide substance-abuse treatment funding previously appropriated from the Drug Offender Surcharge cash fund, SB03-318, and HB10-1352 into the Correctional Treatment Cash Fund.  The oversight bodies for each of those funds were consolidated into one statewide oversight board created to manage the disbursement of the treatment funds as well as address policy issues as they pertain to the effective treatment of offenders with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.  The statewide board membership is comprised of representatives from:

  • Colorado Department of Public Safety - Mathew Lunn
  • Colorado Division of Probation Services - Glenn Tapia
  • Colorado Department of Human Services - Danielle Culp
  • Colorado District Attorney's Council - Beth McCann
  • Colorado State Public Defender's Office - James Karbach
  • County Sheriff of Colorado - Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons
  • Colorado Department of Corrections – Heather Salazar

The legislation also created a local treatment board within each judicial district across the state to act in an advisory capacity to the statewide board. These local boards have representation from Parole, Probation, Community Corrections, District Attorney, Public Defender, local Sheriff, Drug Court, and Juvenile Services.

Statewide Board meetings are held virtually via WebEx every third Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted. Minutes and other information will be posted here on the website.

Please contact the Board Coordinator at correctionaltreatmentboard@judicial.state.co.us with any questions regarding the Correctional Treatment Board.

The next Correctional Treatment Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday December 17, 2024. It has been cancelled.
The next meeting will be January 21st, 2025 at 1pm.

Join from the meeting link


Join by meeting number 

Meeting number (access code): 2661 489 2379 

Meeting password: jWyPyx7WU27

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)

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Join by phone

+1-415-655-0001 US Toll

+1-720-650-7664 United States Toll (Denver)

Global call-in numbers

Join from a video system or application

Dial 26614892379@judicial.webex.com

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.


Special Announcements

  • Colorado Collaborative Justice Conference will be held April 8 and 9, 2025.