Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Record/Document Request Form

Use this form to request court records/documents. The Clerk of Court can restrict access to court files or portions of court files by authority granted in the Colorado Revised Statutes/Rules, Supreme Court Rules, Chief Justice Directives, local administrative orders/directives, and any other applicable legal authorities. Suppressed cases, juvenile and probate records, or certain documents with confidential or protected information may require a U.S. government-issued photo ID. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, the requested response will be provided within three business days.

Record/Document Request Form

Your Contact Information
Please enter your business or office name.
This Information will Appear on the Public Rosters
Request Information
Example Case: 2019T999999
Note: Case numbers that start with a year, then letters "GV," "GS," or "D," then a number, as in 17GS1234 or D5678, or case paperwork which says "General Sessions Summons and Complaint" are Denver County Court Cases. Those requests should be submitted to Denver County Court directly here.
Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Please check the document(s) you are requesting or explain on "Other". Access to court records/documents is governed by Chief Justice Directive 05-01.

Family Matters (JV and DR)
Family Matters (JV and DR)
Criminal Matters (CR, JD, M, T, R)
Criminal Matters (CR, JD, M, T, R)

A complete statewide criminal history arrest record check can be obtained through CBI at

Civil Matters (C, CV, S)
Civil Matters (C, CV, S)
Other Documents

Assessment of Fees and Costs

All fees and costs are assessed pursuant to Chief Justice Directive 06-01 (CJD 06-01) and are for estimation purposes only. 


Copy – per page. 
A maximum fee of $15.00 may be charged for parties to their case, and their attorneys, regardless of the number of pages. There is no maximum fee for non-parties. *
Transcript of Judgment *$25.00
Certificate of Satisfaction *$20.00
Certified Copy/Exemplified Copy (per document) *$20.00
Name Search *$5.00
Off-Site Case File Retrieval Fee *Actual Cost of Retrieval
Research/Redaction Fee (assessed in 15 min increments after first hour)$30.00 per hour



*Fee will be waived if waiver is required under CJD 06-01 or §13-32-104(1)(a), C.R.S.
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