9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

Name Change


Step 1: Before

Complete instructions can be found in JDF 432 - Filing a Change of Name

A fingerprint-based criminal history check is required from both the CBI (Colorado Bureau of Investigation) and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation).

Law enforcement agencies are no longer required to provide fingerprinting for civil cases. Some law enforcement agencies will refer you to Colorado Application Background Services (CABS).

The criminal history results must be conducted within 90 days prior to the filing of the Petition.  

If you have a felony conviction recorded in Colorado or any other state, and you know that it is inaccurate, it is your responsibility to obtain the disposition information from the court where such action occurred as identified in the CBI and FBI reports.

You are also responsible for providing certified copies of any criminal dispositions that are not reflected in the CBI or FBI records, and any other dispositions which are unknown, by contacting the agency where such actions occurred.

Step 2: Fill

Forms for Adult Name Change

  • JDF 432 - Instructions for Filing a Change of Name - Adult
  • JDF 433 - Petition for Change of Name (Adult)
  • JDF 426 - Order for Publication for Change of Name
  • JDF 427 - Public Notice of Petition for Change of Name (Minor/Adult)
  • JDF 448 - Final Decree for Change of Name


  • Read the JDF 432 - Instructions for Filing a Change of Name - Adult thoroughly before you start the name change process.          
  • Complete all sections of form JDF 433 - Petition for Change of Name (Adult). Attach the fingerprint-based FBI and CBI criminal history checks to the Petition and identify them as "Exhibit A". Make sure that the fingerprint-based criminal history record checks are conducted within 90 days prior to the filing of the Petition. Attach any other criminal disposition documentation and identify it as "Exhibit B". The Petition must be signed in the presence of a Court Clerk of Notary Public. You can find a Notary Public by looking in the Yellow Pages, on the internet, or by going to your local bank.
  • Complete all sections of form JDF 426 - Order for Publication for Change of Name, but do not sign it. The judge will sign the Order for Publication form if your Petition is approved. Once the Order is granted by the court, then publication with a newspaper will be the next step.
  • Complete all sections of form JDF 427 - Public Notice of Petition for Change of Name (Minor/Adult). This is the form that you will submit to your local newspaper to publish notice of the requested name change. Once publication has occurred, you will need to file proof of publication with the court.
  • Complete the caption box only of form JDF 448 - Final Decree for Change of Name. The judge or magistrate will sign the Decree. This form will be returned to you only upon proof of publication. This form proves that the name change has been granted by the court.
  • Take your completed forms to the courthouse in the county where you live. A name change can be filed in county court or district court. Check with the clerk when you file your case to determine what court (county or district) the case should be filed in.

If you do not think you can afford it, you can request a waiver of the filing fee by completing form JDF 205 - Motion to File Without Payment and Supporting Financial Affidavit, and the caption box of JDF 206 - Finding and Order Concerning Payment of Fees to request a waiver of the filing fee or visit our File Without Payment for complete information.

Step 3: Prepare

Contact the court in the county where you are filing your name change petition to find out their process. To find the correct court, search Courts by County.

Use the checklist below to make sure you are prepared:

Form or Process Checklist:

  • Contact the Court for filing procedures
  • Background checks from the FBI and the CBI (make sure they are not more than 90 days old)
  • JDF 433 - Petition for Change of Name (Adult)
  • JDF 426 - Order for Publication for Change of Name
  • JDF 427 - Public Notice of Petition for Change of Name (Minor/Adult)
  • JDF 448 - Final Decree for Change of Name

Step 4: Publish

After the Court reviews the JDF 422 - Petition for Change of Name it may issue a JDF 426 - Order for Publication for Change of Name. You will have to contact your local newspaper agency and have your proposed name published using JDF 427  - Public Notice at least three times within 21 days from the date when the Order for Publication was entered.

There are exceptions for publishing your name change in the newspaper if you have been:

  • The victim of a crime, the underlying factual basis of which has been found by the court to include an act of domestic violence as defined in §18-6-800.3(1), C.R.S., or
  • The victim of child abuse as defined in §18-6-401, C.R.S., or
  • The victim of domestic abuse as defined in §13-14-101(2), C.R.S.
  • Publication is not required if the petitioner is changing the petitioner’s name to conform with the petitioner’s gender identity pursuant to §13-15-102(4), C.R.S

Step 5: Decree

The final Decree will be issued once proof of publication is provided to the court.  If the publication was waived or was not necessary, the Final Decree for Change of Name will be issued by the Court after the hearing.  Certified or extra copies of the Decree will have separate fees and some courts may request a self-addressed, stamped envelope to mail out the Decree.