9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse


Confidential Intermediary

Learn about the process in Colorado when you need a Confidential Intermediary (CI), including the role of the CI and the limitations associated with consent or refusal by the involved parties.

Confidential Intermediary Forms

Colorado Judicial Branch has compiled all forms required for Confidential Intermediary.

About the Confidential Intermediary Program

The Colorado Confidential Intermediary program is a court-appointed search service that allows a certified Confidential Intermediary (CI) access to closed/sealed adoption files. Upon court appointment, the CI will review the sealed records, search for eligible biological family members, and reunite adult biological family members. Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute (CRS) §19-5-305, eligible person(s) can petition the court for a Certified Confidential Intermediary.

Who Is Eligible to Initiate a Search and/or Be Sought After?

  • An adult adoptee (18 years of age).
  • An adoptive parent, custodial grandparent, or legal guardian of a minor adoptee.
  • A biological parent or an adult biological sibling or half-sibling of an adult adoptee.
  • An adult descendant of the adoptee or the adoptive parent, spouse of an adoptee, adult stepchild, or adopted adult sibling of an adoptee (with the notarized consent of the adult adoptee).
  • A biological grandparent of an adoptee, with the notarized written consent of the biological parent. Written consent is not required if the biological parent is deceased.
  • The legal representative of any individuals listed above.

Overview of the Colorado Confidential Intermediary Process

  1. The Petitioner files a motion with the Court to appoint a Confidential Intermediary (CI).
  2. If the court grants the motion, it will assign a CI to the case.
  3. The CI will contact the Petitioner to discuss expectations.
  4. The CI will request, open, and review the sealed files with an approved court order.
  5. The CI will facilitate the search process between Petitioner and Sought-After but does not act as an advocate, advisory, or counselor for either party.
  6. If the Sought-After is located, the CI will contact them.
  7. The CI will obtain written consent from both parties before exchanging information.
  8. The Sought-After has a right to consent or refuse contact. Consent or refusal must be voluntary, informed, and written.
  9. The Consent/Refusal form is a legal document and must be filed with the court before exchanging contact information. At no time can the CI release confidential information to either party without written consent.
  10. All documents, files, and case records obtained during the search process will be returned to the court of jurisdiction. At no time can the CI release documents, files, or case records (obtained during the search) to either party.

Note: The CI Program is a fee-based search service. Contact the CI for more information.

How to File for a Colorado Confidential Intermediary

Follow the simplified step-by-step process below to file for a Certified Confidential Intermediary. Do not file in more than one court. Contact a Confidential Intermediary if you have difficulties filing or have not heard back from the court within 5-6 weeks after filing.

Simplified step-by-step instructions:

  1. Fill out three (3) copies of the appropriate JDF court form. A notary is not necessary unless otherwise stated on the form. Keep a copy for yourself.
  2. Print three (3) blank copies of Form JDF 345 (see link below). Do not fill them out; leave them blank.
  3. Enclose two (2) stamped envelopes. Failure to send stamped/addressed envelopes will cause cancellations and delays. Enclose one (1) envelope addressed to yourself and one (1) envelope addressed to your CI (contact your Confidential Intermediary).
  4. Mail the above documents to the appropriate Court of Jurisdiction.

After You File for a Confidential Intermediary

The CI will contact you within 5-6 weeks to confirm the court appointment/assignment. COVID-19 delays can add 1-2 weeks.

The CI will discuss the search process, expenses, and expectations. The CI will then begin the search process. Once the sought-after is located, the CI will contact you before they make contact to discuss expectations and contact arrangements/preferences. The CI will attempt to make contact with the sought-after.

Once contact with the sought-after has been established and before contact information can be exchanged, the sought-after will need to sign a consent/refusal form, and the CI will file the form with the Court of Jurisdiction. The Petitioner may decide to pursue an additional search for additional biological family members. Additional search fees may apply.

Upon case closure, the CI will return all documents, files, and case records obtained during the search process to the court of jurisdiction.

At no time can the CI release confidential information to either party without written consent.

At no time can the CI release documents, files, or case records (obtained during the search) to either party.

Certified Confidential Intermediary Contacts

Each Confidential Intermediary is trained per the Colorado Adoption Commission approved curriculum and has a personal connection to the Adoption/Triad community. Each CI is unique in their experience, investigative skills, adaptation, and sensitivity to adoption issues. Eligible person(s) may select the Confidential Intermediary of their choice.

Note: The Confidential Intermediary Program is a fee-based search service. Contact CI for more information.