9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather


Ending a Conservatorship

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

Ending a Conservatorship Forms

Colorado Judicial Branch has compiled all forms required for Ending a Conservatorship.

Criteria for Ending a Conservatorship

A person (adult or minor) who has the help of a conservator is known as a Protected Person.

A conservatorship can end if:

  1. The Protected Person dies; or
  2. The Protected Person was a minor and is now 21 years old; or
  3. The court decides that the Protected Person no longer needs a conservator.

The Protected Person, the conservator, or any other person interested in the Protected Person's well-being can ask the court to end the conservatorship.

If the Protected Person's situation has changed to the point where they can now manage their own financial situation without help, a conservatorship may no longer be necessary. The court will need to make this decision based on information provided.

Identify Where to File Your Paperwork

You must file the paperwork to end the conservatorship with the same court that has the existing conservatorship case, using the same case number assigned to that case.

Forms and Paperwork Required

Use the forms link above to download and complete the Ending a Conservatorship forms. For detailed instructions on completing these forms, see JDF 887 Instructions to File a Petition to Terminate a Conservatorship.

The person filing the paperwork to end the conservatorship will be known as the Petitioner. The person who has a conservator helping them will be known as the Protected Person.

How to File Your Paperwork

If you are the conservator for an adult, check the "Adult" box at the top of JDF 888 Petition for Termination of Conservatorship. If you are the conservator for a minor, check the "Minor" box. You must mail or hand-deliver a copy of JDF 888 Petition for Termination of Conservatorship to the Protected Person (if they are at least 12 years old) and to all other interested persons. After mailing or hand-delivering a copy, fill out the Certificate of Service part of the form and file it with the court.

Complete a final Conservator's Report by filling out JDF 885 Conservator's Report. Check the "Final Report" box at the top of the form. You will need to mail or hand-deliver a copy of JDF 885 Conservator's Report to the Protected Person (if they are at least 12 years old) and to all other interested persons. After mailing or hand-delivering a copy, fill out the Certificate of Service part of the form and file it with the court.

Fill out only the top "caption" part of JDF 890 Order Terminating Conservatorship and JDF 730 Decree of Final Discharge. The court will fill out the rest.

There is no filing fee.

What Happens Next?

After you file your paperwork with the court, you can ask the clerk how to get a court date for a hearing. The court may also allow you to have a non-appearance hearing. A non-appearance hearing is not an actual hearing date, and no one needs to show up to court. This is a date the court puts on their calendar as a reminder to take further action.

Check with the court about whether you can do a non-appearance hearing.

Give Notice to the Respondent and Other Interested Persons

After you get a date for a hearing, you will need to give notice of the hearing to the person who you are the conservator for (the Protected Person), as well as to all other persons interested in the case. Review the list of interested people to whom you sent the paperwork to start the conservatorship case. You will need to give notice of the hearing to those same people.

How to Give Notice

To give notice of the hearing, fill out JDF 711 Notice of Hearing and mail or hand-deliver a copy to the Protected Person and to all other interested persons. After you mail or hand-deliver a copy, fill out the Certificate of Service part of the form, then file it with the court.

How to Give Notice of a Non-Appearance Hearing

  1. Complete the required form. Fill out JDF 712 Notice of Non-Appearance Hearing. You will need to pick a date for the non-appearance hearing and put that date on the form. The date you pick must be at least 14 days from the date that you mail or hand-deliver a copy of JDF 888 Petition for Termination of Conservatorship and JDF 712 Notice of Non-Appearance Hearing to the Protected Person and to all interested persons.
  2. Deliver the paperwork. Mail or hand-deliver a copy of JDF 712 Notice of Non-Appearance Hearing and JDF 888 Petition for Termination of Conservatorship to the Protected Person and to all interested persons.
  3. File Certificate of Service with the court. Fill out the Certificate of Service part of JDF 712 Notice of Non-Appearance Hearing before filing it with the court.

Note: If you are the conservator for a minor who is under the age of 12, you do not need to give notice to the minor.