9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather


Ending a Guardianship

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

Ending a Guardianship Forms

Colorado Judicial Branch has compiled all forms required for Ending a Guardianship.

Ending an Adult Guardianship

Criteria for Ending an Adult Guardianship

A guardianship ends if the adult (Ward) dies, or if the court orders that the guardianship be terminated.

The Ward, guardian, or any other person interested in the Ward's well-being can ask the court to end the guardianship.

If the Ward's condition has changed to the point where they can now take care of themselves and make their own decisions without help, a guardianship may no longer be necessary. The court will need to make this decision based on information provided.

Identify Where to File Your Paperwork

You must file the paperwork to end the guardianship with the same court that has the existing guardianship case, using the same case number assigned to that case.

Forms and Paperwork Required

The person filing the paperwork to end the guardianship will be known as the Petitioner. The person who is under the care of a guardian will be known as the Ward.

If the Adult (Ward) Has Died

  1. Use the forms link above to download and complete JDF 853 Notice of Death.
  2. You must mail or hand-deliver a copy of JDF 853 Notice of Death to all interested persons in the case.
  3. After mailing or hand-delivering a copy of JDF 853 Notice of Death to all interested persons in the case, fill out the Certificate of Service part of the form.
  4. Fill out the top "caption" part of JDF 854 Order for Termination of Guardianship - Adult. The court will fill out the rest.
  5. File both JDF 853 Notice of Death and JDF 854 Order for Termination of Guardianship - Adult with the court.
  6. There is no filing fee.

If the Adult (Ward) No Longer Needs a Guardian

  1. Fill out JDF 852 Petition for Termination of Guardianship - Adult. Attach any additional information that helps explain to the court why the adult no longer needs a guardian.
  2. You must mail or hand-deliver a copy of JDF 852 Petition for Termination of Guardianship - Adult (and attached information) to the Ward and to all other interested persons in the case.
  3. After mailing or hand-delivering a copy of JDF 852 Petition for Termination of Guardianship - Adult, fill out the Certificate of Service part of the form.
  4. Fill out the top "caption" part of JDF 854 Order for Termination of Guardianship - Adult. The court will fill out the rest.
  5. File both JDF 852 Petition for Termination of Guardianship - Adult and JDF 854 Order for Termination of Guardianship - Adult with the court.
  6. Contact the court about getting a date for a hearing.
  7. Give notice of the hearing date and time to the Ward and to all other interested persons by mailing or hand-delivering a copy of JDF 711 Notice of Hearing to them. Fill out the Certificate of Service part of the form before you file it with the court.
  8. There is no filing fee.

Ending Guardianship for a Minor

Criteria for Ending Guardianship for a Minor

A guardianship for a minor can end if:

  • The minor turns 18 years old,
  • The minor dies,
  • The minor is adopted,
  • The minor becomes emancipated, or
  • When the court orders that the guardianship is terminated.

A minor becomes emancipated if:

  • The minor gets married or enters into a civil union,
  • The minor enters into active military duty, or
  • The court decides that the minor is emancipated.

Identify Where to File Your Paperwork

You must file the paperwork to end the guardianship with the same court that has the existing guardianship case, using the same case number assigned to that case.

Forms and Paperwork Required

The person filing the paperwork to end the guardianship will be known as the Petitioner. The minor who is under the care of a guardian will be known as the Minor or the Ward.

How to File Your Paperwork

  1. Fill out JDF 835 Petition for Termination of Guardianship - Minor. Attach any additional information that helps explain to the court why the minor no longer needs a guardian.
  2. You must mail or hand-deliver a copy of JDF 835 Petition for Termination of Guardianship - Minor (and any attached information) to the minor (if the minor is at least 12 years old) and to all other interested persons.
  3. After mailing or hand-delivering a copy of JDF 835 Petition for Termination of Guardianship - Minor, fill out the Certificate of Service part of the form.
  4. Fill out the top "caption" part of JDF 836 Order for Termination of Guardianship - Minor. The court will fill out the rest.
  5. File both JDF 835 Petition for Termination of Guardianship - Minor and JDF 836 Order for Termination of Guardianship - Minor with the court.
  6. Contact the court about getting a date for a hearing.
  7. Give notice of the hearing date and time to the minor (if the minor is at least 12 years old) and to all other interested persons by mailing or hand-delivering a copy of JDF 711 Notice of Hearing to them. Fill out the Certificate of Service part of the form before you file it with the court.
  8. There is no filing fee.