Filing fees

Fee Waivers

Automatic Fee Waiver

Some people automatically qualify to have their court fees waived.

  • Aid to the Blind Colorado
  • Aid to the Needy and Disabled (AND)
  • Old Age Pension A & B
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Check the appropriate box on JDF 205 and file with the Court.

Income-Based Fee Waiver

To qualify, your household must be below 125% of the poverty line or be enrolled in certain public benefits.

Use the forms link above to download and complete JDF 205 Motion to Waive Fees. 

Also, file JDF 206 Order Re: Court Fees. Complete only the boxes at the top of the form.

For Those in Jail or Prison

Use the forms link above to download and complete JDF 201 Inmate Request.

  • Fees cannot be waived, but a percentage of your inmate account will be taken each month.

  • Use JDF 205 if this is for a Writ of Habeas Corpus.


Fee waivers are only available when responding to an Eviction Case. Otherwise, you'll need to paper file with the court.

Additional Resources

  • For instructions on waiving mediation fees, see JDF 211 Instructions to Request to Reduce Mediation Fees.