9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

Name Change

Prior Felon Name Change

These instructions and forms only apply to a person who was convicted of a felony, or a person who was adjudicated as a juvenile delinquent for an offense that would constitute a felony if committed by an adult in Colorado or any other state or under federal law, and the person needs a legal name change in order to be issued a driver’s license or an identification card in Colorado.

Below are links to information for obtaining a background check from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as well as the fees charged for obtaining that information. The fees charged by these agencies are set by the agency and may change without notice.

CBI - Criminal History Record Information Fees(link is external)

FBI - Identification Record Request/Criminal Background Check(link is external)


  • JDF 385 - Instructions for Name Change (Prior Felons)
  • JDF 386 - Petition for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents
  • JDF 387 - Order for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents
  • JDF 426 - Order for Publication for Change of Name
  • JDF 427 - Public Notice
  • The court will ask you to pay a filing fee. If you do not think you can afford it, you can request a waiver of the filing fee by completing form JDF 205 - Motion to File Without Payment and Supporting Financial Affidavit, and the caption box of JDF 206 - Finding and Order Concerning Payment of Fees or visit our Filing Without Payment for complete information.
  • Read the JDF 385 - Instructions for Filing a Change of Name Following Conviction/Adjudication for a Felony thoroughly before you start this process.


A fingerprint-based criminal history check is required from both the CBI (Colorado Bureau of Investigation) and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) within 90 days prior to the filing of the Petition.

Law enforcement agencies are no longer required to provide fingerprinting for civil cases. Some law enforcement agencies will refer you to Colorado Application Background Services (CABS)(link is external)

If you have a felony conviction recorded in Colorado or any other state, and you know that it is inaccurate, it is your responsibility to obtain the disposition information from the court where such action occurred as identified in the CBI and FBI reports.

You are also responsible for providing certified copies of any criminal dispositions that are not reflected in the CBI or FBI records, and any other dispositions which are unknown, by contacting the agency where such actions occurred.

Notify the appropriate agencies in writing.

  • You must notify the CBI and the FBI, in writing, to add the proposed name change as an alias to your criminal history record. A copy of this written notification must be provided to the Court.
  • You must provide notification of the proposed name change, in writing, to the district attorney’s office in any district in which there was a conviction of a felony that you are requesting a name change. A copy of this written notification must be provided to the Court.
  • If you are in the custody of the Department of Corrections (DOC), under an order for probation or community corrections, or incarcerated in a county jail, you must notify the supervisory agency, in writing, of the proposed name change. A copy of this written notification must be provided to the Court.


JDF 386 - Petition for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents

  • Complete all sections of the JDF 386 - Petition form. Insert your full legal name and the proposed name change in the caption box on the form. The proposed name change should be the name under which you were convicted or adjudicated. Check your spelling as this is the official request for the name change. If a name is spelled incorrectly and the petition is granted, you may need to start the process again from the beginning. If there is a good reason, the Court may allow a change of name other than the name under which you were convicted or adjudicated.
  • Exhibit A
    Attach the fingerprint-based FBI and CBI criminal history record checks to the Petition and identify them as Exhibit A. Make sure that the fingerprint-based criminal history record checks are conducted within 90 days prior to the filing of the Petition.
  • Exhibit B
    Attach the criminal history report from the CBI and identify it as Exhibit B.  The proposed name should be added as an Alias on this report.  If the conviction or adjudication occurred in another state, you should submit the letter from CBI showing no CBI record exists and identify it as Exhibit B.
  • Exhibit C
    If it applies, attach a copy of the written notification provided to the supervising agency of DOC, Probation Department or Community Corrections and identify it as Exhibit C.
  • Exhibit D
    Attach a copy of the written notification provided to the District Attorney’s Office and identify it as Exhibit D.

JDF 426 - Order for Publication for Change of Name

  • Complete all sections of this form. The judge or magistrate will sign the JDF 426 Order for Publication if your JDF 386 - Petition is approved and if publication is required.

JDF 427 - Public Notice

  • Complete all sections of this form. This is the form that you will submit to the local newspaper to publish notice of the requested name change, if the judge or magistrate requires it.

JDF 387 - Order for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents

  • Complete the caption box only. The judge or magistrate will complete the rest.