9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Other Appeals


Other Appeals

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Appeals

Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Appeal Forms

Colorado Judicial Branch has compiled all forms required for Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Appeals.

About Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Appeals

  • An appeal of a DMV decision is called a judicial review. 
  • In a judicial review, a judge looks at the decisions and actions of the DMV. 
  • The DMV usually makes decisions about your driver's license. 
  • Decisions may include the revocation of your driver's license or serious limitations to your driver's license.

Review §42-2-135 and §24-4-106, C.R.S. (Colorado Revised Statutes). These statutes are Colorado law.

How to Start an Appeal


Where to File

  • The appeal must be filed in the district court in the county where you live. 
  • Use the courts locator to find your court location.



  • You have 35 days after the DMV decision to deny, cancel, suspend, or revoke your license or ID card to start the appeal. 
  • This is a hard deadline. 
  • The district court may not have the legal authority to review your case if it is filed late.



  • JDF 599 - Complaint
  • JDF 600 - District Court Summons
  • JDF 601 - Case Cover Sheet
  • JDF 98 - Affidavit of Service (print two) (Just do Sections 1-4)


File with the Court


  1.  File the forms in person.
  2.  Pay the filing fee. The clerk will let you know the fee when you file.


Formal Notification

You will need to formally notify the DMV and Attorney General that you started the case

  1. Print two copies of JDF 98, one for the DMV and one for the Attorney General.  
    • Fill out sections 1 through 4 on each.
    • Attach a copy of the Complaint, the Summons, and a Case Cover Sheet to each.
  2. Provide the document packets to a process server to personally serve both agencies.
    • Division of Motor Vehicles: 1881 Pierce Street, Lakewood, CO 80214
    • Attorney General: c/o Motor Vehicle & Enforcement Unit, 1300 Broadway, 8th Floor, Denver, CO 80203
  3. The process server will complete the rest of JDF 98 and return that to you.
  4. File the completed forms into your case.

After Paperwork Is Filed

Once all of the deadlines have passed for giving paperwork to the court, the district court judge will look at the paperwork, Division of Motor Vehicles file (if requested), and transcript. No new hearing will be held. The district court judge will create a written ruling or order.

You and the Division of Motor Vehicles will receive a copy of the ruling or order. Unless there is further review by the Court of Appeals, after final ruling or order on the appeal by the district court judge, the judgment on appeal will be sent to the Division of Motor Vehicles for action as directed by the district court judge.