9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Discontinue Sex Offender Registration

Criminal case
Criminal Cases

Discontinue Sex Offender Registration

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

For Convictions in Another State

You can file your case with the district court in the county where you live. Use the courts locator to find the correct district court location.

Criteria for Discontinuing Sex Offender Registration

You can ask the court to end your requirement to register as a sex offender if you meet one of these conditions:

  1. You successfully completed the terms and conditions of a deferred adjudication or deferred sentence for an offense involving unlawful sexual behavior, the case has been dismissed, and since that time you have not been convicted of or adjudicated for any offense involving unlawful sexual behavior.
  2. You were less than 18 years old at the time you committed the offense involving unlawful sexual behavior; you have successfully completed and have been discharged from a juvenile sentence or disposition related to that offense; and since that time you have not been convicted of, or have a pending prosecution for, any offense involving unlawful sexual behavior.
  3. The offense that required you to register was a misdemeanor other than unlawful sexual contact or third degree sexual assault, it has been 5 years since your final release from the jurisdiction of the court, and during that time you have not been convicted of or adjudicated for any offense involving unlawful sexual behavior.
  4. The offense that required you to register was a class 4, 5, or 6 felony or was a class 1 misdemeanor of unlawful sexual contact or third degree sexual assault; it has been 10 years since your final release from the jurisdiction of the court or discharge from the Department of Corrections or Department of Human Services; and during that time you have not been convicted of or adjudicated for any offense involving unlawful sexual behavior.
  5. The offense that required you to register was a class 1, 2, or 3 felony; it has been 20 years since your final release from the jurisdiction of the court or discharge from the Department of Corrections or Department of Human Services; and during that time you have not been convicted of or adjudicated for any offense involving unlawful sexual behavior.

You are not eligible to end your registration requirement if:

  1. You are a sexually violent predator.
  2. You are an adult who has more than one conviction or adjudication for unlawful sexual behavior in Colorado or anywhere else.
  3. You were convicted as an adult of:
    • Sexual assault, sexual assault in the first degree, or sexual assault in the second degree;
    • Sexual assault on a child;
    • Sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust;
    • Sexual assault on a client by a psychotherapist;
    • Incest; or
    • Aggravated incest.

Note: If you are not sure what type of offense you had, review your sentencing documents, or you may want to talk to an attorney.

Forms and Paperwork Required

Download and fill out the Discontinue Sex Offender Registration forms using the forms link above. For detailed instructions on how to complete these forms, see JDF 460 i How to Discontinue Sex Offender Registration.

Paperwork Tips

You will use the same case number on these forms as in the case in which you were convicted or adjudicated.

Fill out only the top caption part of JDF 475 Order to Discontinue Sex Offender Registration - Non-Colorado Conviction and JDF 474 Notice of Hearing of Petition - Non-Colorado Conviction. The court will fill out the rest.

How to Submit Paperwork to the Court

Take your completed forms to the court and give them to the clerk to file your case. No filing fee is required.

Send the Petition to the prosecuting attorney by certified mail.

Then fill out JDF 479 Certificate of Mailing, attach the return receipts, and file with the court before the hearing.

Discontinue Sex Offender Registration Filing Fees

Petition to Discontinue Sex Offender Registration    $224.00

After Paperwork Is Filed

At the hearing, the judge will decide whether to end your requirement to register as a sex offender. If the judge decides that you no longer need to register as a sex-offender, they will sign JDF 475 Order to Discontinue Sex Offender Registration - Non-Colorado Conviction.

You will need to provide a copy of the signed Order (JDF 475) to each law enforcement agency listed in your Petition and to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation at 690 Kipling Street, Denver, CO 80215. You can reach the CBI by phone at 303-239-4300.