9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather


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18th Judicial District Court judge finalists selected

June 26, 2024-- The Eighteenth Judicial District Nominating Commission has nominated three candidates for a district court judgeship created by the retirement of the Hon. Gary Kramer. The vacancy will occur on August 3, 2024. Nominees Matthew Phillip Schoettle and Donna M. Stewart, both of Castle Rock and Daniel Wilson Warhola of Franktown, were selected in a meeting on June 25, 2024, at the Arapahoe County Combined Courts in Centennial.

Mesa County Court Judge Finalists Selected

Tuesday, June 25, 2024-- The Twenty-first Judicial District Nominating Commission has nominated three candidates for a Mesa County court judgeship created by the appointment of the Hon. Craig P. Henderson to the 21st JD District Court bench, effective June 17, 2024. Nominees, Katherine A. Barnes of Fruita, Scott J. Burrill of Grand Junction, and JenniLynn E. Lawrence of Mancos were selected in a meeting on June 24, 2024, at the Mesa County Justice Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. 

Second Judicial District Court judge finalists selected

Monday, June 24, 2024—The Second Judicial District Nominating Commission has nominated three candidates for a district court judgeship created by the death of Hon. Christine C. Antoun, effective May 25, 2024. The commission selected Nominees Michael W.V. Angel of Denver, Heidi L. Kutcher of Denver and Rebekah Bailey Watada of Denver on June 21, 2024.

Under the Colorado Constitution, the governor has 15 days from June 24, 2024, within which to appoint one of the nominees as district court judge for the Second Judicial District (Denver County).

15th Judicial District Announces Kiowa County Court Vacancy

Tuesday, June 4, 2024-- The Fifteenth Judicial District Nominating Commission will meet on July 22, 2024, at the Kiowa County Combined Court (1305 Goff St., Eads, CO 81036) to interview and select nominees for appointment by the governor to the office of county judge for Kiowa County. The vacancy will be created by the retirement of the Honorable Gary W. Davis. The vacancy will occur on September 1, 2024.  

Second Judicial District announces District Court vacancy

Friday, May 31, 2024-- The Second Judicial District Nominating Commission will meet on June 21, 2024, at the Denver City and County building, 1437 Bannock St., Denver, CO 80202, to interview and select nominees for appointment by the governor to the office of district judge for the Second Judicial District (Denver County). The vacancy was created by the death of the Hon. Christine Antoun on May 25, 2024.

21st Judicial District announces Mesa County Court vacancy

Friday, May 31, 2024--The Twenty-first Judicial District Nominating Commission will meet on June 24, 2024, at the Mesa County Justice Center (125 N. Spruce St., P.O. Box 20,000-5030, Grand Junction, CO 81501) to interview and select nominees for appointment by the governor to the office of county judge for Mesa County. The vacancy will be created by the appointment to the 21st JD District Court bench of the Honorable Craig P. Henderson. The vacancy will occur on June 17, 2024. 

Fifth Judicial District Announces Class B County Court Vacancy

Friday, May 24, 2024-- The Fifth Judicial District Nominating Commission will meet on July 24, 2004, at the Summit County Justice Center, 501 N. Park Avenue, Breckenridge, CO 80424, to interview and select nominees for appointment by the governor to the office of county judge for Summit County. The vacancy will be created by the Honorable Edward J. Casias not standing for re-election in 2024. The vacancy will occur on January 4, 2025.

Warrant Forgiveness Event Gives a Fresh Start in Boulder

Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Boulder, CO—Do you constantly dread the day when the police may confront you? Are you eager to clear your warrant without being arrested? If the response is yes, the 20th Judicial District’s Fresh Start Warrant Forgiveness Event may be the key to clearing up your past and moving on with your future. 

Colorado Court of Appeals Judge Anthony J. Navarro Not Standing for Re-Election

Wednesday, May 22, 2024-- The Supreme Court Nominating Commission invites qualified attorneys to apply for a Colorado Court of Appeals vacancy created by the decision of the Hon. Anthony J. Navarro not to stand for retention in 2024. The vacancy will occur on January 14, 2025. The Commission will meet on August 8, 2024, to interview and select nominees for appointment by the governor. 

Fourth Judicial District announces El Paso County Court vacancy

Wednesday, May 22, 2024--The Fourth Judicial District Nominating Commission will meet on July 8, 2024, at the El Paso County Judicial Building, 270 S. Tejon St., Colorado Springs, to interview and select nominees for appointment by the Governor to the Office of County Judge for El Paso County. The vacancy will be created by the appointment of the Honorable Dennis L. McGuire to the 4th Judicial District, Teller County District Court bench. The vacancy will occur on July 1, 2024. 

A Fresh Start: Relief for Outstanding Warrants in Jeffco

Monday, May 20, 2024, GOLDEN, CO- Is there an outstanding warrant for your arrest, and are you tired of worrying about a run-in with law enforcement? The 1st Judicial District’s Fresh Start warrant clearance day may be the key to clearing up your past and moving on with your future.

Colorado Supreme Court to hear arguments at Central High School in Pueblo

Tuesday, May 7, 2024, DENVER – The Colorado Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at Central High School in Pueblo before an audience of students. Limited seating for the public will be available, and visitors must show government-issued identification to enter the school.

12th Judicial District accepting applications for VALE Board vacancy

Wednesday, May 1, 2024, ALAMOSA, Colo. – The 12th Judicial District is accepting applications for one vacancy on the Victims Assistance and Law Enforcement (VALE) Board serving Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande and Saguache counties.

The five-member board provides grant funds to community and criminal justice agencies providing direct victim services in the district. Board members decide how to allocate funds for grants requested through a competitive application process.

Hon. D. Cory Jackson appointed Chief Judge of 7th Judicial District

Wednesday, April 17, 2024, GUNNISON, Colo. – Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Brian D. Boatright has appointed the Hon. D. Cory Jackson to serve as chief judge in the 7th Judicial District (Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel counties).

As of July 1, Judge Jackson will replace the Hon. J. Steven Patrick, who was appointed as a District Court judge in 1993 and has served as chief judge since March 2000. Chief Judge Patrick announced his upcoming retirement earlier this year.

20th Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission to hold public input hearing

Friday, April 12, 2024, Boulder, CO – The 20th Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission will hold a public hearing on April 24, 2024, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Courtroom F at the Boulder County Justice Center, 1777 Sixth Street, Boulder, CO 80302, to receive public comments on 20th Judicial District judges eligible for retention in the 2024 general election.  The 20thJudicial District (Boulder County) judges who will come before the voters for retention in office in November this year

Colorado Court of Appeals to hear arguments in Fort Lupton

Wednesday, March 27, 2024
FORT LUPTON, Colo. – A division of the Colorado Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments at Fort Lupton High School on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, before an audience of high school students. Limited seating for the public will be available.

Warrant clearance and community resource event scheduled in Loveland

Thursday, March 21, 2024
LOVELAND, Colo. – The courts and the offices of Public Defender and District Attorney for the Eighth Judicial District (Jackson and Larimer counties) have scheduled a warrant clearance and community resource fair on Saturday, April 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Loveland.

The event at the Larimer County Loveland Campus (200 Peridot Avenue) is designed to provide resources and clear eligible warrants to provide opportunities for people to resolve their legal matters and move on with their future.

12th Judicial District announces new Competency Court docket

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
ALAMOSA, Colo. – Colorado’s 12th Judicial District (Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande, and Saguache counites) has launched its new Competency Court docket in a push to help address the growing number of defendants in need of competency-restoration services before their cases can move forward. 

Application process opens for Court Security Cash Fund Commission grants

Friday, March 15, 2024
DENVER – The Colorado Judicial Department announced today that it has opened the application period for Fiscal Year 2025 grants from the Court Security Cash Fund, which was enacted in 2007 to provide Colorado counties with supplemental security funding at facilities housing a state court or probation office.

Colorado adopts new bar examination for law school graduates

Thursday, March 14, 2024
DENVER – The Colorado Supreme Court announced today that starting with the July 2028 administration of the bar examination, law school graduates will take the NextGen examination rather than the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE), which has been used in Colorado since 2012.

Fourteen other states so far have announced plans to adopt the NextGen exam, which was developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners to test a broad range of foundational skills using a set of clearly identified legal concepts and principles needed in the practice of law.

Hon. Elizabeth J. McCarthy named Denver Juvenile Court Presiding Judge

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
DENVER – Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Brian Boatright has appointed the Hon. Elizabeth J. McCarthy as the presiding judge of the Denver Juvenile Court. Judge McCarthy’s appointment is effective immediately.

"I am pleased to appoint Judge McCarthy to this important role and look forward to working with her,” Chief Justice Boatright said. “She has been on the bench with Denver Juvenile Court for the past five years, and has the experience needed to serve as the Court’s next leader.”