9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Denver - District

Denver County banner image
2nd Judicial District

Denver - District

Denver District Court Pro Se/Self-Help Center

Pro Se Self Help Center

Address at the City and County Building

1437 Bannock Street, Room 281, Denver, CO 80202 

Office Hours: 

The Denver Self-Help Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm. Occasionally times may vary. 

Call us: 303-606-2442 

Email us: 02SelfHelp@judicial.state.co.us


What do we do? 

  • Review your court forms.
  • Provide local resources. 
  • Help you understand court procedures, policies and guidelines. 
  • Provide a list of attorneys (flyer linked here) who may offer discounted rates and unbundled services.
  • Provide a list of Resources by Type of Case (Divorce, Custody, Sealing, Minor Name ChangesProtection Orders.) 

Court-Approved Parenting Classes in Denver District Court 

Coparenting Cooperative of Colorado
1776 South Jackson St. Suite 173
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: 303-329-9942

Email: coparentingcoop@gmail.com 
Website: https://coparentingcoop.org/

Other useful information

  1. Supervised Visitation Facilities
  2. List of Attorneys offering discounted rates and unbundled services
  3. Child Support/Maintenance Calculator

The Self-Help Center also assists litigants with paperwork throughout the life of their domestic case as well as after final orders have been entered. If you have a domestic case in Denver District Court and are unsure about what you can file, have a question about the form(s) you are filling out, or need to gain a general understanding of what options are available to you, please come in to our center, we are happy to help. 

Please keep in mind however, that the Denver District Pro Se Center DOES NOT provide assistance with civil matters (other than Petitions to Seal Criminal and Conviction Records). Limited information regarding residential foreclosures can be found here

For all other civil matters, you may use the resources available at the Supreme Court Law Library located in the Ralph L. Carr Judicial Center at 2 East 14th Avenue, Denver CO.


Childcare during Court Business

Court is not a comfortable environment for young children, and therefore are not allowed in the Courtrooms or in the Self-Help Center at Denver District Court. Please do not bring children with you when visiting the court.

Legal Resources & Legal Clinics in Denver 

Phone Number
Family Law Ask a LawyerThe clinic is virtual by video or phone.
Click here for more information on the clinic.
Please call (303) 606-2442 or email 
for clinic dates and hours. 
Legal Night at El Centro de San Juan Diego
*Spanish speaking attorneys*
2830 Lawrence Street
1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Family Law ClinicOffice of Economic Development
1200 Federal Boulevard, Room 1018
3rd Tuesday of every month
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Colorado Poverty Law Project Clinic 

Stout Street Health Center

2130 Stout Street

3rd Wednesday of every month 

4:00pm - 6:00pm 

MVL Legal Night 

Denver Indian Center 

4407 Morrison Rd. 

1st Wednesday of every month 

6:00pm - 8:00pm 

Colorado Law Help www.lawhelp.colorado.govAlways available online.

Access to Justice Commission

Virtual Legal Clinics

Statewide Virtual Legal Clinics Online throughout the month.

Referral Agencies

Phone Number
Project Safeguard
Domestic Violence Victims

Denver County Court

1437 Bannock St., Room 177
(720) 618-3482 

Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 

Address Confidentiality Program (303) 866-2208
No listed hours of operation 

Colorado Legal Service (CLS)

Metro Volunteer Lawyers (MVL)

1905 Sherman St, Suite 300

(303) 837-1313

Walk-In Intake Hours

Monday - Tuesday, Thursday-Friday

8:30 am - 3:00 pm 

Colorado Supreme Court Library

Ralph L. Carr Judicial Center

2 East 14th Avenue

(720) 625-5100


Monday – Friday

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Child Support Enforcement

Child Support Services Brochure

2929 W 10th Ave, Denver, CO, 80204

2815 Steele St., Denver, CO 80205

4685 Peoria St., Denver, CO 80239

(720) 944-2960


Monday – Friday

8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Family Support Registry

(303) 299-9123


Send payments through mail to:

Family Support Registry

P.O. Box 2171

Denver, CO 80201-2171

Denver Department of Human Services

Customer Service: (720) 944-3666

Child Abuse Hotline: (720) 944-3000

Monday – Friday

8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

WellPower (303) 504-6500

Monday - Friday 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm 




Colorado Court of Appeals                

Free Colorado Court of Appeals Clinic 

Court of Appeals - Forms and Policies

Appeals Quick Guide (District Civil-Family Matters)

For questions and more information about Court of Appeals cases please contact the Court of Appeals Self-Help Center at 


Call: (720) 625-5107

Additional Resources for Appeals 

Appeals Categories

CBA Appellate Pro Bono Program

County Court Appeals

Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) or Other Agency Appeals