Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Housing Cases
Housing Cases

Residential Evictions

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

House, Apartment, or Condo Evictions Forms

Colorado Judicial Branch has compiled all forms required for House, Apartment, or Condo Evictions.

About Residential Evictions

  • Use these forms to get or respond to a residential eviction.


Understanding Eviction Options and Next Steps:

Video file



Written Guide

Video Guide


Step-by-Step Forms

Step 1 - Pre-Filing Requirements (Landlord)


Step 1A - Eviction Notice

Note: Use the Spanish Translation version if the Tenant's primary language is Spanish.


Step 1B - Mandatory Mediation (if required)


Step 2 - Start the Case (Landlord)

Note: Use the Spanish Translation versions if the Tenant's primary language is Spanish.


Step 3 - Service (Landlord)

 Gather copies of the Step 2 Documents along with a blank copy of:

Provide the forms to a process server or Sherriff's Office to formally deliver (called personal service) to the Tenants.  Provide Form:

  • JDF 98  -  Affidavit of Service (Just sections 1-4)

The process server will complete the form and return it to you.  File that into your case.


Step 4 - Response (Tenant)


Step 5 - Prepare for Hearing


Step 6 - Resolution

  • JDF 106 A  -  Stipulated Agreement (parties agree to terms to end the case)
  • JDF 106 B  -  Order re Stipulated Agreement



Step 7 - Enforcement (If Needed)

  • JDF 109  -  Writ of Restitution
  • JDF 91  -  Motion for Entry of Judgment on Stipulation


How to Issue a Subpoena

A Subpoena must be served no later than 48 hours prior to the appearance date.

A Subpoena to Appear is a document issued by the clerk at the request of one of the parties to require the appearance of a witness at a deposition, hearing or trial.

A Subpoena to Produce (Subpoena Duces Tecum) is a document issued by the clerk at the request of one of the parties to require the witness to bring certain documents or evidence in their possession with them to a deposition, hearing or trial.

A Court hearing or trial must be set prior to requesting the clerk to issue a Subpoena.

For additional information, please review C.R.C.P 345.

View Instructions and Forms on Issuing a Subpoena

More Resources

File Forms Online


Efiling Video Guide:
Video file


Hearing Tips


On Your Court Date
  • Be on time or early for your court hearing
  • Have all of your information, completed paperwork, exhibits (lease, notice, etc.), and any other evidence with you. Evidence can include a copy of the lease, copies of emails between the landlord and renter, copies of rent receipts, photographs of the property, etc. Organize and label each piece of evidence as exhibits that you can share with the judge.
    • If you are the Plaintiff, label your exhibits with numbers starting with 1.
    • If you are the Defendant, label your exhibits with letters starting with A.
    • Make copies of your exhibits for the other Party (plaintiff, other defendants) and for the judge. You will have to pay for any copies that the courthouse staff makes for you.
  • Turn off your cell phone and respect everyone in the courtroom. Refer to the judge as "Your Honor" or "Judge."
  • You may be asked to talk with the other other person(s) involved in the case) to see if you can settle the case before the hearing.


During the Hearing
  • The Plaintiff(s) will tell the judge why the Defendant should be evicted from the apartment or house.
  • The Defendant(s) tell the judge why the Plaintiff should not evict the Defendant(s) from the apartment or house.
  • Both the Plaintiff and the Defendant should focus on the facts. Present any exhibits to the judge and call witnesses to provide important information about your case.
  • Ask your witnesses questions so that they can testify.
  • If the other person has an attorney, the attorney may object to or ask the judge to ignore exhibits and witnesses that you try to bring up in your case.


Outside Resources