Court of Appeals Forms and Instructions


Easy Process

Steps 1 & 2 - Appeal Arguments

  • JDF 664 - Combined Notice and Brief
    • Non-Lawyers Only

Answer Brief Outline

Reply Brief Outline

Step 5 - Court of Appeals Decision


Traditional Process

Step 1 - Give Notice

JDF 663 - Notice of Appeal

Step 2 - Arguments

Opening Brief Outline

Steps 3 - 5 the same as above.


Special Instructions for Companies

Filing Without a Lawyer

JDF 659 - Motion to File Without a Lawyer

General Forms

1.  JDF 657   -   Motion for More Time to File

2.  JDF 658   -   General Use Form

3.  JDF 659   -   General Motion Form

4.  JDF 1984 IC   -   Response to an Order of the Court

5.  JDF 1985 IC   -   Change in Contact Information

6.  JDF 1986 IC   -   Certificate of Service

7.  Certificate of Compliance in Briefs

Dependency, Neglect

Step 1 – Give Notice

JDF 1941 - Notice and Designation

Step 2 – Record on Appeal

Supplemental Designation of Transcripts (Only used if needed)

Step 3 – Opening Brief

Step 4 – Answer Brief

Step 5 – Reply Brief

This step is optional.  No specific form. You could use the standard caption (found below) and title, "Reply Brief."

Step 6 – Decision

A 3-Judge panel will mail its decision.


General Forms

1. Standard Caption for Appellate Documents:

2. Certificate of Compliance for use with all Briefs:

Family Matters, Civil, Probate

Appeal Materials for Family Matters, District Civil, and Probate Cases


Quick Guides:

Step 1 - Starting Paperwork

1.  Notice of Appeal

2.  Transcripts (if any)

Designation - JDF 1912

Step 2 - Record on Appeal

2.  District Court sends Record to Court of Appeals.

3.  Was the Record Complete? If no:

Motion to Add to the Record - JDF 1913

Step 3 - Written Arguments

1.  For the Appeal

Answer Brief Form

2.  Appeal Response

Answer Brief Form

3.  Reply to Answer Brief

Reply Brief Form

Step 4 - Decision

  • A 3-Judge panel will mail its decision.

General Forms

1. Motion for More Time to File

2. General Caption

3. General Motion

4. Contact Info Change Form

5. Response to an Order

6.  Certificate of Compliance for use with all Briefs

Felony Criminal

Appeal Materials for Felony Criminal Cases Appeal Guide

Step 1 - Give Notice

Step 2 - Transcripts

Step 3 - District Court Sends Record

Step 4 - Arguments for the Appeal

Step 5 - Response to Government's Argument

General Forms

1. JDF 666 - Motion for More Time to File

2. JDF 667 - Flexible Caption

3. JDF 668 - General Motion

4. JDF 669 - Notice of Contact Information Change

5. JDF 670 - Response to a Court's Order

6. JDF 671 - Certificate of Service

7. CAR From 6 - Certificate of Compliance in Briefs